Category Travel

Explore the world through my eyes with Camino Distinto travel blog. Follow my adventures as I hike and trek through beautiful landscapes, indulge in delicious cuisine, and immerse myself in indigenous cultures across the globe.

Colon Cemetery in Havana: 15 most famous tombs

Могильные плиты с крестом

Colon Cemetery in Havana is one of the city’s main attractions. The graves are adorned with luxurious marble tombstones, some of which are true works of art. It’s one of the most famous and significant cemeteries in Latin America. In…

Guide to Richmond National Battlefield Park

Пушка времен Гражданской войны в США

Richmond National Battlefield Park in Virginia is home for 13 historic sites linked to the American Civil War. This park is massive, and figuring out your trip can be a bit tricky. Wondering which spot to hit if you’re in…

Everything I ate in the Amazon Rainforest

Индеец гуарани в джунглях собирает банановые листья / Huaorani man collecting leaves in the forest

The Amazonian food is all about “you eat what you catch.” The jungles of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil are home to indigenous tribes who mainly rely on hunting and fishing. I spent several months traveling through the Amazon rainforest. In…

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