

Everything I ate in the Amazon Rainforest

Индеец гуарани в джунглях собирает банановые листья / Huaorani man collecting leaves in the forest

The Amazonian food is all about “you eat what you catch.” The jungles of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil are home to indigenous tribes who mainly rely on hunting and fishing. I spent several months traveling through the Amazon rainforest. In…

Exploring Niagara Falls Independently

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a famous group of waterfalls, which straddles the border between the US and Canada. The falls consist of three main sections: the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls is the…

Visiting Iguazu Falls independently in 2023

The Iguazu Falls stand as one of the most renowned and spectacular waterfalls globally. They earned their place not by being the tallest, widest, or deepest, but by consistently ranking among the top ten most beautiful waterfalls on the planet.…

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