Category Ecuador

What is Ecuador famous for?

Ecuador is located between Colombia and Peru on the Pacific coast of South America. It’s not a popular travel destination, not only for Russians but also for residents of Latin America. Yet, there is so much to discover there!

I traveled to Ecuador independently, and spent several months there, crossing the country from north to south twice.

In the capital city of Quito, the highest capital in the world, you can immerse yourself in the rich history of the city. Ecuador is also famous for its cloud forests in Mindo, the volcanic lakes Quilotoa and Cuicocha, and, of course, the Galapagos Islands, where you can dive with turtles and penguins.

Ecuador boasts some of the best beaches in South America. You can relax in the quiet villages of Ayampe and Mompiche, or learn to surf in Montañita. I worked through the Workaway program at a travel agency in Puerto Lopez, and every day I went to watch whales breaching out of the water.

Cuenca is the third-largest city in Ecuador. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nearby is Ingapirca, the most significant Inca site in Ecuador.

In Baños, I swung on a swing over a cliff, and in the Amazon, I lived in a Waorani community in Bameno. This was the most incredible experience of my life!

Who lives in Ecuador?

Ecuador’s population is made up of diverse ethnic groups, including indigenous peoples, Afro-Ecuadorians, and Europeans. In the Amazon, there are even tribes like the Taromenane and Tagaeri who have never had contact with civilization.

Everything I ate in the Amazon Rainforest

Индеец гуарани в джунглях собирает банановые листья / Huaorani man collecting leaves in the forest

The Amazonian food is all about “you eat what you catch.” The jungles of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil are home to indigenous tribes who mainly rely on hunting and fishing. I spent several months traveling through the Amazon rainforest. In…

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